@Paul Aber@Tammie Payne These are two awesome examples! I’m curious, what can you do to begin to incorporate and practice the characteristics of you people into your life.
Several friends come to mind, each had something the created a desire to know them better and make them a friend. My friend Janalee comes to mind as she is very good with her words and questions, she had a gift of showing she is interested in you as a person and is able to connect deeply with gentle curiosity. You always feel seen by her.
 One of my teachers in aircraft mechanics school. He really had a heart for training up the next generation of mechanics and saw himself as a true professional. His life stories were just amazing. He would've been born in the late 40's and lived through one of the most amazing times in aviation history. Thanks Cliff
@Paul Aber @Tammie Payne These are two awesome examples! I’m curious, what can you do to begin to incorporate and practice the characteristics of you people into your life.
Several friends come to mind, each had something the created a desire to know them better and make them a friend. My friend Janalee comes to mind as she is very good with her words and questions, she had a gift of showing she is interested in you as a person and is able to connect deeply with gentle curiosity. You always feel seen by her.
I stand corrected he was born in 38. And passed last year at 85yo. https://www.hoskinsonfuneral.com/guestbook/clifford-kelling#guestbook
 One of my teachers in aircraft mechanics school. He really had a heart for training up the next generation of mechanics and saw himself as a true professional. His life stories were just amazing. He would've been born in the late 40's and lived through one of the most amazing times in aviation history. Thanks Cliff