The body of Christ is struggling to be the safe, healthy family we, and the world, need it to be.
Relational maturity is directly connected to our ability to endure hardship well, and function in strength and health in all of our relationships. In difficult times, relational maturity will be the determining factor in how you act/respond in the midst of heavy emotions or overwhelming situations.
Whether we know it or not, we all have gaps in our relational maturity that impact the connection (or disconnection) we experience with God, ourselves, and others. It is worth the journey, and it is worth the work, to identify and learn how to fill those gaps. Being fully mature in every age and stage of life benefits not only us, but also our families, social communities, professional environments, and spills over into every aspect of our lives!

The Journey
for Communities, Churches, Schools, Missions, Teams

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Immersion Details
This is a 2-day workshop, with a 4-hour highly interactive teaching each day, split into 2 sessions.
The last session includes a Table Experience over a meal, for the group to practice their new skills.
Venue, refreshments, and Table meal cost must be covered for all participants.
Travel, lodging, and meals for all Facilitator’s (one per 6-8 people) must also be covered, in addition to a requested donation/offering to cover in-person time investment and materials.
The Relational Leaders Immersion (in-person workshop) Interest Call (30 min) is available for free!
Relational Leaders Immersion
We were created for relationship. Yet our communities are often severely lacking in deep, authentic connections, plagued with disconnect and division. Take the next step to strengthen the relational health of your community, with our Relational Leaders Immersion.
Learn through experiential interaction:
How God designed our brains to work.
Why attunement and attachement are keys to deep authentic relationships.
How to be WITH ourselves and others, becoming more like Jesus in how we connect.
The foundational skills learned will equip you to transform the way you do relationships with God, yourself and others.
Led by a Relational Health Coach

Two 4-hr interactive in-person teaching sessions
3 Foundational Skills, learned through modeling, invitation, and experience
Table Experience Over a Meal

Experience the joy of being seen, heard and known as you offer the same authentic connection to others, putting into practice your new skills!

Workbook with Practice Exercises
#-Page Workbook with exercises and resources to practice the key skills learned in the workshop
Having no plan for transformation produces Christians with poor character who try to do good ministry. Jesus did the opposite. He started His ministry by preaching about a transformed inner life that drives the outer life. A transformed inner life then drives everything we do.
-Jim Wilder, The Other Half of Church: Christian Community, Brain Science, and Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation
Relational Co-Labs
Learn and master Relational Maturity Skills that are vital to the health of our communities, and are directly connected to our ability to endure hardship well, and function in strength and health in all of our relationships.
Deepen your connection with God, yourself and others.
Heal from relational wounds and increase ability to remain safe and stable in challenging situations.
Discover personal identity and value, and be able to lead in your family, workplace and community.
12 Maturity Skills for relational health.
Develop maturity skills to begin to master living life relationally well.

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Co-Lab Options
12 months: 12 Lesson Labs led once per month by a Table & Well Coach
6 months: 12 biweekly Lesson Labs led by a Table & Well Coach
Completion of the Relational Leaders Immersion of Intro to Relational Health Lab is required prior to taking the Relational Co-Labs.
Life in community is best when people have life-giving relationships with those in all other stages of life.
~ Marus Warner & Jim Wilder: RARE Leadership

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What is Relational Maturity?
Co=Together, With
Lab =
Completion of the Relational Co-Labs is required prior to taking the Facilitator Training.
Facilitator TRAINING
Cultivate a community living relationally well at every age and stage of life.
Discover how being fully mature benefits families, social communities, professional environments, and every aspect of your life!
Facilitate Relational Health Labs with the guidance, support and materials provided by a Table & Well Coach.
Learn how to relationally lead small groups through modeling and invitation.
"This is hands-down the best way to develop deep connections and healthy leaders in your community, church, business or team.”
~ Lea W.
Participants share how Table & Well's revolutionary relational modeling based courses and Tables have changed their lives and relationships, in ways they never thought possible!
In just three days, this experience has blown me away. I've always wanted stronger connections with others, but often felt lost. This course changed that. The tools I've learned give me a clear path forward, turning abstract ideas into simple steps. I'm amazed at the progress already—I never expected to see or feel such a change so quickly. It shows how effective these skills are when practiced and lived out.
Maranda W.